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ANSAV BETA change log - free Download

ANSAV BETA change log
versiat 2.0.1

* More menu File>Restart ANSAV.
* Disabled Plugat name.
* Ansav plugat event message implemented.
* Tombol "Remove" for trusted plugat kati sudah berfungsi.
* Tombol "Scan satgle file" sudah berfungsi.
* Plugat Event News.
* Repair mator bug at Scan engate.
* More module anhooker.dll and ANSAV guard (ansavd.exe).
* Exceptiat frame added at scannatg thread.
* Renews bug di scan engate buat file plaat scriptatg.
* More fiture cattrol For ANSAV Guard
* Several Optimatiat and bug fix at ANSAV Guard
* Several Optimatiat and bug fix at ANSAV scanner
* Several Optimatiat and bug fix at AnHooker
* Scan process memory when startup was actifation
* Renew bug at scannatg
* Optimatiat at plugat management
* Optimatiat at cattrol ANSAV Guard
* Optimatiat di scan engate
* Optimatiat at plaat code scan
* Bugfix at atstall/unatstall feature
* Bugfix at ansav guard
* Improvisasi at anhooker.dll
* Imporvisasi at multi threadatg cattrol
* Bugfix at scan engate
* Bugfix compatibility with armadilo
* Optimatiat at scan plaat data
* Bugfix at progress bar yang not prosentase
* Bugfix at ANSAV Guard
* Bugfix at PE resource parsatg root IMAGE_SECTIAT_DIRECTORY
* Bugfix at scannatg process now uses atomic operatiat
* Bugfix at crash handler when scannatg not bisa restart
* Bugfix at antihook. atcompatibilty with shell extentiat
* Bugfix at bagian check admatistrator right when wan atstall
* BugFix at time selesai report teks detected lost
* BugFix at ANSAV guard, path long slaatg double
* BugFix at penanggalan atlate update.
* BugFix at server auto update
* BugFix at anhooker.dll
* Bugfix at core engate anmatcher-mask
* Optimisasi at heuristic engate
* More shortcut at desktop
* More fitur view versiat update at Watdows
* Now unatstall cleanly
* Bugfix at detectiat suspecious
* Bugfix exceptiat time scan file static
* Sortir at signature watdow
* More fiture offlate update
* Bugfix at scan engate buat mal script
* Bugfix at atlate update
* Optimatiat at atlate update
* Optimatiat when delete file (Force delete)
* Fungsi dump at crash handler was berfungsi
* Penggantian name anhooker.dll be anhk32.dll
* Bugfix di scan engate
* Check update otomatis when ANSAV jalan
* Fungsi search signature kati start berfungsi :D
* Bug fix at antihook
* Dimore scan date started at scan atfo
* Sub menu copy at klik right scan atfo sudah aktif
* Current scanned file now gak direfresh per 10 file but per 1 file soale dikira slowly :D
* "Cancel" at bufferatg now changed to "Skip".
* Update scan engate
* Bugfix at atlate update
* Optimatiat realtime update ( update when guard seandg actif )
* Optimatiat kode
* Bugfix di antihook
* Bugfix at anhooker about pause protectiat over loopatg hook
* Packed signature database implemented
* More tray icat at ansav guard
* Bugfix Status di listview update when update cancel stay "Downloadatg..."
* Cange at bagian About
* Direktori plugat and language now disertakan on proses atstallation
* More pictures "globe download" at bagian update, image cattributed by xeriat.
* Optimatiat at struktur mdb
* Bugfix pengaturan time at auto update

-- 2.0.1
* Bugfix at penamean risk
* Bugfix scan at name direktori kurang dari 2 karacter
* More tanda BETA at captiat prime
* Bugfix perbaiki latk submit sample
* Bugfix antara "scannatg stopped" dengan "scannatg fatished"

Download Ansav beta --> Click Here


How to Install Game On Playstation2 Hardisk?

How to install game playstation2 on Hardisk?
So if you have internal HD for PC (such Maxtor) can you install it to your PS2 , Ok I gives you step by step .
I have few remarks I wish to share. Even if WinHIIP "modifies" gamelist.log, it does not alters the length of the file. That means, that even the real data is located where it should be, noone will ever look for it there, since it is behind end-of-file, or worse - data will not be there (since one or more games have been deleted), because file size is longer that is should be.Here is how to verify this:

  • get a PS2 HDD with no games installed;-
  • install two games using WinHIIP;-
  • connect HDD to PS2 and copy gamelist.log file to the PC (my method: copy to mc with ps2menu & use ps2link); file size is 32 bytes and game names are not there;-
  • start HD Loader, restart the console and copy the file again;-
  • now gamelist.log file is 432 bytes long and names of the games are there (that looks like 32 bytes header + 200 bytes per game);-
  • install two more games from the PC using WinHIIP;-
  • gamelist.log is not changing its size nor the new games are there; they will be, if you run HD Loader first.So what is the conclusion? Even the chosen path looks right it is not. And the goal achieved is incompatibility with other Windowz installers, but does it really worth it?

Well as far as I am aware no other Windowz installer modifes the gamelist at all, and most of them are just GUI's for a CLI program. So is my app incompatible with them or are they incompatible with me?I hadn't bothered with the Gamelist file length as HDL doesn't seem to mind, but I can fix it quite easily. Any other holes you would like to pick while you are at it?

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Create logo/background Playstation2 hardisk

EBOOK Cara mengganti logo/background

game list Playstation2 hardisk

(contoh Background kreasi sendiri)

Bosan dengan background PS2 Hd yang gitu-2 aja?
anda memiliki usaha rental playstation2? ingin media promosi anda bertambah?
Kenapa tidak anda ganti saja tampilan logo/background playstation2 sesuai kreasi anda sendiri.
"EBOOK MENGGANTI LOGO PS2 HD" ini kami buat dengan cara yang mudah sekali untuk dipahami, dengan bahasa penyajian Indonesia yang mudah dimengerti dan disertai software-software pendukungnya.

Selain fungsinya untuk mengganti tampilan background Playstation2 Hardisk, fungsi lain dari file yang kamu download ini dapat memperbaiki kerusakan Playstation2 hardisk seperti:
1. Mengatasi layar merah/hitam setelah logo matrix keluar pada playstation2 hardisk.
2. Mengatasi Tidak mau menampilkan Menu game pada playstation2 hardisk (Blank).

Dengan memiliki file ini, anda akan lebih menghemat pengeluaran daripada harus pergi ke service, mungkin kita harus mengeluarkan biaya 25rb s/d 75rb jika harus pergi ke tukang service ps.

ebook ini cocok bagi anda yang memiliki usaha rental playstation 2 hardisk, dan service playstation2 hardisk.

File ini Berisi :

1.ebook Cara Ganti logo/background PS2 Hardisk (bahasa indonesia yang sangat mudah dipahami)
2.Cara memperbaiki playstation 2 hardisk blank.

3.Dan software-software pendukungnya.

4. Cara Membuat file booting atau "BOOT.ELF"

5.Cara Memasukan File booting ke HD PS2.

6.Cara Repair HD PS2 Error

Untuk Mendapatkan ebook PS2 HD Silahkan klik...

  • Dengan format "RAR"
  • Dengan Format "ZIP"
  • Software "WINRAR" Untuk Membuka File



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