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movie download tips on youtube.

YouTube is one of the largest video service provider at this time. Video shown in general to be viewed only through the browser, not to be downloaded and viewed offfline. The format is a flash video (flv). What if we want to save a video that appears to be viewed offline?
How do I do? open and search the video diinnginkan. After the video display or video you are looking for established, right-click the title and select to save the link. For example: Then paste the URL in the link provided on the TechCrunch site, and click Get Video. After that the menu will appear to save the video, the name usually get_video. Before or after the save is complete, rename the file extension flv and give, for example get_video.flv. To play using VLC, FLV Player, Media Player Classic or other compatible player.

Saving Technique of Temporary Files

Sometimes I download like above does not work. Another way that might be better is to find the video directly at its temporary internet files. Previously, the video must be opened in the browser and run (play) to finish (Video can be saved even if it still is not finished until). After that, do not close the window. Search video files in the temporary internet files (usually in C: \ Documents and Settings \ "username" \ Local Settings \ Temp). Search Keyword fla. When searching with the default windows search facility, make sure that in the "More Advanced Options" the option "Search hidden files and folders" is enabled. Normally the file size is quite large, above 1 MB. Often, watching movie clips from youtube ... If it's internet connection as I use does not seem to be like because akan akan certainly see picture of intermittent and sometimes even failed to connect. Good for that we need to download the file first and then so can we see in our computer. If we want to download movienya we certainly will not find the link on the youtube website.
I try to search in google to find how to address them. Then find a good website that is How we live search url link in the youtube movie that will be downloaded and then enter the url to the web click and press download. Then we rename the downloaded files with the extension. FLV.
For example I try to download the full version of the ad with the ponds in the youtube url: Well this is the link and then we enter to Once downloaded rename the file before we become iklanponds.FLV eg. Remember the file extension should be flv.

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